About Gunupur Municipality

This Gunupur Municipality has been constituted with the following villages and started functioning w.e.f. 01.04.2018 vide Notification No.  336 dated 08.03.2018.      The Geographical Area of this Municipality is 17.23 Sq. Kms. and the total population is 28,870 as per 2011 Census. Marathiguda village is adjacent to this Municipality has come up as a  fast growing  Township  where different Offices of State Government and Central Government, Judicial Courts, Schools, Colleges, Banks and multiple business establishments have been located. Recently, 2(two) villages namely Marathiguda of Regada Gram Panchayata and Soura Pradhani Guda of Chalkamba Gram Panchayata has been included in Gunupur Municipality vide Notification No-12799/HUD Dtd. 27.05.16. In pursuance of Govt. in H&UD Deptt. Gazettes Notification No.-336 dtd. 08.03.2018, the Gunupur NAC has been converted into Gunupur Municipality.

This Municipality having with 19 wards with Population 28,870.
                            Male                 Female               Total
Census-2011        14,382               14,488                28,870
